Torchio Columbian
Inventato dall'americano George Clymer e prodotto a Londra a partire dal 1817. Questo esemplare รจ l'unico presente in Italia.
Stampatrice da tavolo tipo "Boston"
Modello costruito dall'Officina "Fabbrica Milano" Anno: 1880
Torchio calcografico in legno
Anno di fabbricazione 1750 ca. Utilizzato dalla Casa Editrice Ricordi, Milano

{phocagallery view=category|categoryid=1|imageid=54|float=left}Since it was created, the museum of printing and artistic printing in Lodi has identified working in collaboration with all orders of schools among its primary goals, by promoting educational projects to encourage printing as a didactic resource. For this reason, in a few sections of the museum the didactic tour can become interactive, by combining some practical activities to demonstrate unusual procedures that can't normally be experienced in classrooms: i.e. how to make a sheet of paper and printing proofs with a typographic press. {phocagallery view=category|categoryid=1|imageid=55|float=right}The didactic offer In the guided tours reserved to any kinds of schools, students and teachers can follow the development of typographic art over the centuries and see what a XXth century typography was really like. The tour is preceded by a brief theoretical explanation, suitable to the students'age and course of study, which sets the historical context involved and focus on the themes connected to the world of printing.{phocagallery view=category|categoryid=1|imageid=49|float=left}